Ram Dass “We are all walking each other home...

What should I expect in a session?

Creating a safe space is a priority at Visionary Attunement. I will facilitate communication with integrity using a reciprocal approach of embodied presence, holding space, compassion, and grace. Each session may began with an intention, meditation, prayer and end in breathwork or gratitude. Initially I will be listening, getting a good perspective of who you are and taking notes. I will provide you with a personal assessment form to start and tailor a session to your personal needs. During session, cost and intake form are provided. All are welcome; I do not discriminate based on race, economic class, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, gender, or immigration status. ***Priority given to people of color, minority groups, Indigenous, Lgbtq, marginalized, diverse and under-represented under-resourced communities, individuals with disability, illness or recovering. 

Common questions to explore...
What are my unique gifts, skills, and talents?
Why do I feel stuck?
How do I reach my highest divine version?
How I do get answers when I do not know the questions?
I've fulfilled my purpose, now what?
Where do I go from here?
How do I integrate my challenges into my life purpose?
How do I start my healing journey?
What if i'm scared of healing?


Visionary Attunement does not replace the role of a certified medical professional. We are here to be a supportive guide. I aim to provide a service of cooperative involvement that fosters active listening, engaged support, non-judgement, promoting self-accountability, open mindedness, resourceful healing, and creative manageable shifts required to gain greater awareness. I do not diagnose, provide medical health care or clinical psychological services attempting to cure any physical emotional or disease or condition. By booking you agree to a Coaching agreement and the awareness that this service is for education and informational purposes only. This space is a tool for your own personal growth.


© Visionary Attunement 2021 - Present. All Rights Reserved.