Visionary Attunement, All seeing wisdom, through the window of the soul.

– A prism illuminates light, just as consciousness guides us on our path.Visionary Attunement allows us to tap into the spectrum of awareness within our sacred inner selves, opening up infinite possibilities for understanding, imagination, and healing. Alignment with our soul is a powerful process, leading us to question who we are, why we exist, and where we are headed. The eyes, as windows to the soul, not only observe but also reveal. Within our awareness lies an inner-sight that holds narratives, both challenging and inspiring, urging us to illuminate our path from within.

Thankfully, we have cultural traditions, spiritual mysticism, and transpersonal humanistic psychology to support us on our journey. Through sacred visioning and the art of seeing beyond physical eyes, we can delve into deeper levels of awareness and create rituals that heal and reconcile our souls. Even in moments of darkness, we are always connected to nature and the cosmos, eternal forces that extend their presence to us as far as our faith allows. Resonance is what brings frequencies together, and our thoughts and emotions shape our reality.

The beauty lies in the harmonious balance of chords, both within ourselves and in our external experiences. Any discord we encounter arises from the unconscious and conscious realms, but we are never truly alone; we are part of the collective harmonics With our experiences and creative power, we can visualize personal fulfillment by attuning to our divine sovereign nature, which encompasses freedom, love, and light.

Thoth | Djehuty — Lift thine eyes to the sun and know that thou are greater light.

“I strive to serve the greater collective by fostering a philosophy that empowers individuals to tap into their visionary potential as Divine Soverign Creators.”

Kris Taylor is a practitioner in Transpersonal Psychology, coach, and creative consultant. With over 15 years of training in mind-body-spirit modalities, including Indigenous and intuitive healing methods, meditation, and mindfulness-based practices, they possess a wealth of knowledge and experience. Their innate intuitive abilities enable them to assist individuals in addressing the energetic root causes that contribute to being out of balance.

They have extensive expertise in working with various conditions, such as depressive and anxiety disorders, PTSD, nervous system disorders, digestive disorders, and chronic health conditions. Kristina has provided valuable guidance and support to individuals on their journeys with traumatic brain injury, cancer, and auto- immune diseases.

In addition to their work in holistic health, Kris is a lifelong artist with a deep passion for creativity. They have received training in a variety of mediums, including oil painting, photography, and digital arts. This artistic background enhances their ability to approach their work with a unique perspective and creativity.

Kris holds a Master's Degree in Transpersonal Psychology, specializing in Creative Innovation Therapy, and a Bachelor's Degree in Photography. Throughout their academic journey, they have been guided by mentors who have broadened their understanding of humanistic principles and techniques for optimizing perception and awareness. Known as a healer and a source of inspiration, Kris's writing, creativity, and multidisciplinary approach to knowledge acquisition have earned them recognition.

In addition to their academic pursuits, Kris is deeply engaged in independent research in cultural and philosophical anthropology. They are also a devoted student and teacher of the Sacred, actively participating in various philosophical disciplines and organizations such as the Theosophical Society, The Vedanta Society of San Francisco, The Science of Mind, Hermetic Philosophy, Gnosticism, and Indigenous traditions. Throughout their career, Kris has affiliated with numerous organizations including NBC Universal, Carnegie Hall, Edgar Cayce Center, Sofia University, School of Visual Arts, The Open Center, and Art of Living Center. Kris identifies as part of the Two-Spirit, Lgbt, and Afro- Latin Indigenous communities. They are known for their compassion and dedication to social justice activism. Additionally, they have a deep appreciation for poetry, ancient texts, nature, traveling, and coffee.

John O’ Donohue — When our eyes are graced with wonder, the world reveals its wonders to us. So much depends on how we look at things. The quality of our looking determines what we come to see.

I was born and raised in the vibrant city of Lenape Land, (Brooklyn, New York) under the care of a single mother. My journey from childhood to adulthood was marked by numerous challenges. Along the way, I discovered how unhealed wounds can manifest and cloud one's perception like a smudged lens. I also became acutely aware of the hardships caused by intergenerational trauma, socioeconomic disenfranchisement, and the self-neglect, shame, and guilt that can permeate families and communities due to systemic oppression and unhelpful paradigms. In the face of these adversities, I turned inward, drawing strength from my innate wisdom.

Always an old soul, I had to mature quickly. I directed my focus towards the unseen aspects of life and placed my trust in the eternal lens within me. I embarked on a journey of questioning everything, embracing self-love, and reimagining my self-awareness. I delved into the narratives, experiences, and resilience woven into the footsteps of my ancestors. Guided by my inner compass, I pursued education and explored alternative pathways to self-realization and survival.

Creativity and faith became my guiding lights, writing and art became my tools for expression. Thus, my hero's journey began, leading me towards mastery of consciousness. I remain a lifelong student and a dedicated teacher of the sacred. I have come to understand that vision is not merely about seeing, but about transcending. It is about moving bevond the limitations of the mind and allowing the deep lens of our hearts to guide us towards the ascension of our souls, as we return to our true home.

Self reflection is the key to healing.

What is Visionary Attunement?
I teach and coach transpersonal perspective. Transpersonal refers to transcendental experiences, phenomena, and perspectives that go beyond the individual self and include spiritual, mystical, or transcendent dimensions of human existence. It explores the relationship between individual consciousness and the wider universe, and seeks to integrate spiritual and psychological development. Transpersonal psychology, for example, emphasizes the study of higher states of consciousness, peak experiences, and spiritual practices as pathways to personal growth and transformation. Visionary Attunement is the art of clear visioning, providing harmony to the mind-body and spiritual process--a journey of knowing through strengthened self-awareness. Anything is possible with the clarity of your own light. Together we can cultivate whatever you wish to explore, heal and manifest. Learn more...

Rachel Ramen- “Expertise cures but wounded people can best be healed by other wounded people. Only wounded people can understand what is needed, for the healing of suffering is compassion, not expertise.”

Are you ready to make a change and know your light? If so, a discovery call with Visionary Attunement can be a great way to explore how coaching can support you on your journey. During the discovery call, we will discuss your current situation, your goals, and any challenges or barriers that may be holding you back. You will have the opportunity to ask questions about my process, and we can explore how we can help to move you forward and achieve your desired vision. The discovery call is a no-obligation consultation, and it's a chance for you to get to know me and see if we are a good fit. If you're ready to take the first step and align with clarity, sign up for a discovery call today and let's explore how Visionary Attunement can support vou on your journey.

Mahatma Gandhi “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself through the service of others...


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